Gmarket Haul #14 has been sent! Waiting for the korean seller to send out the many many items.... Every Little Things We Dream…


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We are two sister living under one roof, one yr age apart. Age 23 & 24 this yr.

We are not a OL. One is a nurse, while the other is a early childhood educator.

We are not those petite girls nor those enormously large girls. Usual sizing is L~XL. So if you are one of us, cheers!

We dun go for very high end products like hermes or chanel or prada or miu miu (perhaps in the future when we become tai-tai?). We fav coach, & perhaps longchamp and agnes b.

We love photography. Currently own a Canon G11 & two instax mini 25.




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Gmarket Haul #12
Written at Saturday, June 30, 2012 | back to top

Gmarket Haul #12

Here's the long awaited gmarket haul #12! This time round we couldn't fill up the maximum cart of 30 items. But however, we still sent in two orders and requested for combined shipping. Why? Because in this way, we are able to use our Gaccount money for the 2nd order..=)

Anyway, here's the items that we have bought for haul #12..


Here's the box: 

The items: 

The mint bag! The material of this bag is sturdy, meaning hard and it will hold its shape. I luv the cute heart lock! It comes in many colours and i was tempted to get the pink colour.. but upon further thinking, i guess mint will suit most of my clothes well.. so i've decided to get it in this colour.

The pink bag! Bought it in secret for my mum.. cause she has been complaining that she hasnt had a decent bag to carry out for shopping haha.. Since she likes pink and alot of pockets for a bag, i've decided that this might be it.. and sure enough, she likes it! there's a zip infront (as can be seen from the picture), a zip behind, a zip inside and pockets.. Material is soft to touch although i guess the material will start to tear and peel after some wear and tear as can be seen from many bags.. But... only then can we have reason to buy another bag!

A big and brownish bag..Not much compartments but because of it, the sizing inside the bag is huge! Just nice for my sis to put in her bag organizer, her water bottle, her uniform, and her other barangs barangs.. material of the bag is soft to touch.

A cute looking bagpack! It's big with a zip inside the bag. However, there isnt a "overall" zip to zip up the opening. But you could just put all ur impt stuffs like wallet and HP into the inside zip compartment and other not-so-impt stuffs like umbrella and water bottle outside. Furthermore, this bag comes with a side zip (from the second image) so that you need not have to open the magnetic lock but just use the zip to open the bag. Isn't that convenient? It comes with different colour combi-s so just go and check it out!

A cute and kawaii blouse! Luv the collars and best of all, this shops carries big sizings! Comes with a free button too. Material of the blouse is polyester and it's not transparent. Very comfortable to wear in Singapore's weather!

Woohoo! An eiffel tower blouse! Was so excited when i chanced upon this blouse as my eiffel tower is my fav! I've got eiffel bag, eiffel earrings, eiffel necklaces, eiffel books, eiffel statues, eiffel photo albums... and now a eiffel blouse to add to my collections! This blouse is about SGD30, considered quite expensive on gmarket. But it was all worth it (besides it being eiffel printed), the quality of the blouse is excellent. Smooth to touch and really comfortable to wear. It comes with two colours - white & black. The white one is a bit translucent but really okay to just wear bra without inner lining. =) There's a zip at the back too!

A cute and simple long t shirt. Seller carries big sizing so you don't need to worry about the availability of  the sizing when you saw an item on the shop that you luv =)

Okay, I guess my sis is too low in confidence when she bought this t shirt in XL. Apparently, when i opened the packaging, i was shocked when i hadto unfold and unfold and unfold before finally opening the whole t-shirt.. It's so big that it could fit 2 of me! But the design is nice and material of the t-shirt is thin and comfortable to wear. So i suggest to my sis perhaps she can wear it as a "pyjamas" for sleeping.. So here's a reminder again to all. Don't just add to the cart without looking at the measurements although you've added your usual sizing. Some of the cuttings of the items are big and you don't want to spend money on an item which you luv and only to become your "pyjamas". =)

All the t-shirts here are all so cute and best of all, it comes with sizings too! It comes with s to xxxl! Whoohoo! Quality of the t-shirts are great although it's a bit thick. But i guess with frequent wearing and washing, it will become softer ..=) This piece is for my mum.

A long and simple t-shirt which you can just wear it by itself. however, if you are taller than 1.65m, will be recommended to wear it with leggings.

An electric blue cardigan! Material is soft and thin, suitable for wearing in Singapore.

Okay, when this came, both of us denied it saying we had not ordered this piece! And after checking, it belongs to my sis which either she had choose the item wrongly or the seller had sent the wrong piece. Anyway, material of this dress is chiffon with inner lining.

A cute shoes! Material is soft and comfortable to wear! And i don't think it will 'bite' you at the back although we have not given it a try yet.. It comes with two colour- pink & blue.. is contemplating now to get the blue colour at the next haul =) There's an elastic band below the ribbon (from the third pic).

Thinking you are hallucinating because you have seen this shoes so many times on our website? Fear not! It's a true image of our recent haul #12! We've bought this shoes in purple, hot pink and pink in the past. And now my sis's purple shoes is going through wear and tear, so she bought this colour again for a replacement. Need we say more? Comfortable and chic! Grab yours! Comes with free insoles!

Socks that comes in handy when you are wearing covered shoes. Suitable to wear even with the shoes design above as it is able to hide in it. The flower pattern on the second pic is actually an anti-slip technology. You don't want your socks to keep on falling as you walk!

Luv Luv this wallet! Why? Because it has an eiffel tower! But this time round, it wasn't for me. Bought it for our mum. Chic and really modern. Comes in two colour - pink and black. Both equally elegant. Alot of card slots, coins compartment, notes compartment. Material is of shiny and strong. And most impt of all, my mum LOVES it!

And so, there's all the display of our prized items from Gmarket Haul #12! Hope you enjoy reading and finds the information that we have provided useful!